Hi, What is UNIFRUIT? It was started in year 2008. There are 7 of us, all of us got a fruit nickname. My UNIFRUIT nickname is Starfruit, in addition, Starfruit is one of the fruit that I can't really put into my mouth, it taste weird for me, so why did I choose this name? That's the puzzle. The Nicknames: Calvin & Vee Chien --> Banana 1 & Banana 2 Joannes --> Rambutan Valerie --> Durian Rebecca --> Mangosteen Priscilla --> Langsat Okay, very brief one. The day out is on Friday, Banana 1 & 2 can't make it during that time since they are not yet coming back to Kuching. We go out for drinks, window shopping, and finally end up at Val's house chit-chatting while one of her cousin watch Ben 10. That's the 1st time I see the real Ben 10 show in my life. LOL. That's The Langsat. ...