the Father's love (Kasih Bapa)

  Recently, the writer went to a weekly cell group at a friend's house. It started just like the ordinary c.g we did previously, the writer remembers at the faces of those who come that night, many were tired but still have that loving heart for God and thirst for His presence.
  We enjoy the games, worships, and the sharing. Praise God, during that night, the testimony session, some take the opportunity to share their problems that what they have experienced in their life. Many shared about the bad image of the fathers, "the drunken father, the playboy father, unloyal father, the father who tries to kill and so on." As the writer hear these testimonies, Holy Spirit fills the atmosphere and makes the writer realized that "All of us need Father's love". The writer shared how did he went through the hardship when temptation comes to his family, he cried in the fight between his parents which is started after his father suspected to be with other woman. As he share his testimony, he cried uncontrollably, that's the first time he cried during the c.g here, and the 1st time whereby so many people drop their tears.
  We need Father's love, when we call God, "our Father in heaven", we are having a strong relationship and bond with Him, which only possible by the grace of God through the love of Jesus Christ upon the cross. Other religions might not call their god their father, but we are different. The image of God as our Father in heaven sometimes polluted by the bad image of our father in the world, what they have done might hinder the true image of Father. This will eventually discourage us from going deeper in the relationship with the Father and make us to choose to go far from Him.
  In Ephesians 6:2-3,  2"Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." The Lord commanded us to honor our parents, whoever they are, whatever they've done, we still need to honor them. We still need to honor our father, by doing this, we are able to be deeper in love with our Father in heaven.
  The writer would encourage and challenge you to do this,
1. Forgive your father if he had done something that is not right to you, by doing this you are forgiven by the Lord, because the Lord forgive the way you forgave.
2. Honor your father, this is what God had commanded.
3. Love your father the way Jesus loves you, so you will be the light and salt for the world as the world will treat him with hatred if he did something that is not right.
4. If these applies to your mother, do the same, for the commandment of the Lord is honor your father and mother.
5. Pray that you have strength to do this, pray for your family, put God first in your family.

* the Father's song by Matt Redman click here


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