What if?

What if I'm born in a family that doesn't know my Lord Jesus Christ?

What if nobody keen to share the Good News?

What if nobody write down the text for us to read?

What if He doesn't reveal Himself to men?

I was thinking about the book, "Revolution in World Missions" by K.P Yohannan. The cover shows a tarmac road and continued by a small trail. It was like moving from our comfort zone to where we will feel pain, rejection and hardship.

As I wonder about what I need to write, this passage come to me, Romans 10: 14- 17

(Rom 10:14)
How, then, can people call on someone they have not believed? And how can they believe in someone they have not heard about? And how can they hear without someone preaching?

(Rom 10:15)
And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!"

(Rom 10:16)
But not everyone has obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah asks, "Lord, who has believed our message?"

(Rom 10:17)
Consequently, faith comes from listening, and listening comes through the word of Christ.

Thank God, for we have heard about the Good News today, and this should be a one step ahead to be a blessing to others. 


  1. Yes, Thank God for we have heard about the Good News today~ I couldn't imaging my life if I don't know about God..


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