
Showing posts from October, 2011

House of Fellowship’s Singai Camp 2011

Mount Singai is a wonderful place for devotion, I never dream of having a camp here with my cell group members.   Our cell group had a camp on Mount Singai on the 30 th of September to 2 nd October 2011, the theme is “We are chosen”. The cell group today is known as House of Fellowship, we started it in year 2009 with members of 9. When I first come to UNIMAS, I wish I could participate in the Christian Fellowship here in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. I was approached by senior that brings us to join local church, it was exciting for me, and I let the Lord lead my way. Then, I think about other students that are not from the same denominations, who would care for them? We don’t have student’s Christian fellowship here for us to support each other. As time goes by, I continue to pray that the Lord will make a way to bring revival to this place. I found few friends that have the same desire, to gather and to fellowship with each other. Praise God, we have plac...

Amazing Food

Food is crucial for life.  During Adam’s time, Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit. (Food) During Jacob’s time, Esau sold his birthright for some red stew. (Food) During Moses’ time, the Israelites were fed with manna and qual. (Food) During David’s time, he sent roasted grain, loaves of bread and cheeses to army camp just before he defeated Goliath. (Food) Even in Matthew 4:3, Jesus was tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread. (Food) There are miracles performed by Jesus Christ that can feed 5000 peoples and also 4000 peoples. (Food) I love to cook, and I’m happy when I see people are enjoying the food. Out in the streets, there are some people that have nothing to eat, giving them something will make them happy and gives you joy too. Above all, the most important food of all is as mentioned below: John 5: 35, Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” And we can relate Jesus...

Kunyu Mulung, "Kunyu The Innocent"

Tersebutlah kisah seorang petani yang berjaya, beliau memiliki sebuah ladang di pinggir Negara Empiau. Isteri petani sudah lama meninggal. Petani memiliki 3 orang anak lelaki, yang sulung Chippere Adman, anak yang kedua, Julheye Billye dan yang bongsu, Erbi Gerbsome. Ketiga-tiga anaknya tekun bekerja bersama si petani, mereka memiliki sifat dan perwatakan yang agak berbeza. Anak yang sulung arif dalam hal bercucuk tanam dan bertukang, anak yang kedua petah berkata-kata dan kuat, anak yang bongsu merupakan seorang yang panjang akal dan suka kepada haiwan. Pada suatu masa, ketika si petani sudah amat tua, dia berhasrat untuk meninggalkan harta pusaka kepada 3 orang anak lelakinya. Kepada Chippere Adman, dia tinggalkan ladangnya beserta pekerja-pekerjanya, kepada Julheye Billye, dia tinggalkan gudang-gudang hasil pertaniannya dan kepada anaknya yang bongsu, Erbi Gerbsome, dia tinggalkan seekor keldai dan kucing rumah mereka yang bernama Kunyu. Anak-anaknya gembira dengan pemberian si p...