The Ant and The Grasshopper

One day, a teacher tells this story to his class,

“Once upon a time there is an ant live in a beautiful forest. The ant is a very hardworking; it works so hard to find foods. Winter is coming soon and ant worked extra hard to gather the food stocks for the coming season. Not far from ant’s nest, there live a grasshopper, it plays and really enjoys its life, grasshopper doesn’t really bother to work and gather food stock for the coming winter.

Ant is a caring neighbour, it always drop by and ask grasshopper to join it in gathering food, but grasshopper always gives many excuses and refuse to join ant, it enjoys its life and always tease ant for working so hard to find food.

“It’s still long way to go ant, why don’t you sit with me and enjoy life?” the grasshopper offer the ant to join it.

“Winter is very near, if I don’t work extra hard now, the food will not be enough for me to survive during the season.” Ant replies.

“Ha ha, okay then, it’s up to you.” The grasshopper continues with its singing after the conversation with ant.

The incidence occurs for a few times and yet grasshopper still relaxes and enjoys its life without thinking about the coming season and its food stock.

Few days later, winter comes and the entire place is covered with snow, grasshopper is not able to find any food, it feels so hungry and weak. Desperately, it crawls to ant’s nest and knocked at the door, ant opened the door and ask grasshopper,

“What makes you to be here during this cold season my friend? It’s very dangerous to wander around during this time.”

“I’m so hungry and I can’t find any food around, do you have any food and would you mind to give me some? Please help me; I can’t stand this hunger longer.” “

After that, the teacher asks his class, if you are the ant, what will you do?

A group of students raised their hand and said to the teacher, “Just let the grasshopper die, who ask it to be so lazy and don’t want to find food.”

*** Many of us had asked our friends to join church activity or ask them to receive Jesus Christ personally, but they refuse to do so and give lots of excuses which seems to be so lame, we tried so hard for many times but they still stick to their excuses. We start to neglect them and don’t really bother about them. In the end of the day when they have problems and come to us, we act like the 1st group of student, “just let them die; none of my business.” “Who cares?”

After that, some students raised their hand and tell the teacher, “We will calculate the amount of food that we need and give the grasshopper the balance for it to survive.”

*** Giving the balance of what we have is the expertise that some of us possessed. When we offer something to God, we look for the balance of - the time, the offering, and many other gifts, and give them to God. For example during the offering, some of us look for the smallest amount of coin in our wallet and offer it to God. We try our best to look the best in front of other people but yet in our heart, silently we steal what belongs to God and use it for our own pleasure.

The class silenced and a student stands up and walked to the blackboard, he draws a mountain with 3 crosses on top of the mountain and he said to the teacher, “If I am the ant, I will give the grasshopper all that I have for it to live.”

The teacher shocked and questioned the student, “Why would you do that? That will end your life. Don’t be so stupid.”

The student smiled and tells the teacher, “Someone did that long time ago for me, He gave all of His life, died on the cross for all of us; He gave us the best that He had.”

*** Jesus Christ died for us on the cross; He gave us all of His life so that we live. It seems so stupid in men’s mind that a God, the King of kings would choose to die on the cross for the sinners and for those who don’t know about Him. Giving the best does make a change, a great impact to other people. Giving the best is not a loss, but it’s an early investment for a greater good. Spend time to read about the offering of a young boy in John 6:9-13, it’s about how the offering of a young boy gives a great impact to 5000 men and not included the number of women and children. In Matthew 4:19-22 and Matthew 9:9, shows that these people- the disciples of Jesus Christ, offers their life to follow Jesus and left their jobs once they heard the calling.

In conclusion, giving the best is hard, it’s a sacrifice of what we love and enjoy, and though it’s difficult, it’s not impossible to give the best.


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