
Showing posts from August, 2011

A Wedding Day

It's Tuesday, 30th August 2011. I witnessed a marriage in St Thomas Cathedral Kuching. That morning, I make a joke singing 25 minutes by MLTR near the door, when I see the bridegroom and the bride coming via their car. LOL. I guess that's some sort of "wedding song" for my younger years which I memorized, but I can't really remember the lyric nowadays. Haha.  Here's Blokken, Chipper, Andy & Me. 1. Marriage is not an easy decision. A relationship may starts with a nice introduction in the beginning, but it's a serious matter to upgrade it to the next level - the marriage.  Here's Julai joined in. 2. After sometimes, you realized that, in the relationship, something had changed but something's still there. Then you start to wonder, should I get married? or I should not. Maybe there's someone else out there for me.  3. In the predicament, you began to search around for the answer, you look around for clues, sit to reflect and even call ...

Berpatah Balik

Petang itu, Toby dan rakan-rakannya bercadang untuk ke pantai untuk menikmati suasana pantai pada waktu malam. Mereka bertolak kira-kira pada pukul 7 petang selepas makan malam. Cuaca yang cerah memberi mereka harapan dan semangat untuk menuju ke destinasi mereka. Mereka berborak dan bergurau senda sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke Pantai Damai, perjalanan ini mengambil masa kira-kira 40 minit dengan menaiki kereta. Ketika mereka hampir tiba, hujan mulai turun dengan lebatnya sehingga menyukarkan perjalanan. Mereka tidak berputus asa dan terus menuju ke destinasi, apabila sampai disana, mereka ternampak tanda, "Tidak dibenarkan meletakkan kenderaan disini." . Namun begitu, terdapat tempat letak kereta yang terletak 15 meter dari tempat teduh itu, tetapi kerana mereka tidak membawa payung, segala rancangan mereka dibatalkan begitu sahaja. Mereka cuba memahami bahawa mungkin itu petanda untuk tidak ke pantai pada ketika itu. Tanpa ragu-ragu, mereka terus berpatah balik ke temp...


Shalom, Berdoa merupakan suatu elemen penting didalam kehidupan sebagai seorang Kristian. Ramai mengatakan ia merupakan nafas bagi kehidupan kita. Ya, amen, saya setuju. Ada segelintir yang berdoa bersungguh-sungguh, dan ada yang pernah berdoa bersungguh-sungguh dan ketika doa sudah dijawab maka sepertinya bahan doa sudah tiada lagi. Pagi ini, saat saya merenungkan kasih-Nya, Dia memberikan saya suatu inspirasi, doa bukanlah sekadar kata-kata biasa yang diucapkan ketika ingin makan atau tidur. Saya sedar, doa merupakan suatu komunikasi intim dengan Bapa yang yang di syurga dengan pimpinan Roh Kudus-Nya. Saat kita hilang visi doa dan tidak tahu apa yang ingin didoakan, Roh Kudus memimpin kita dan membawa kita untuk melihat apa yang kita perlu doakan tanpa kita sedari. "Rom 8:26  Demikian juga Roh membantu kita dalam kelemahan kita; sebab kita tidak tahu, bagaimana sebenarnya harus berdoa; tetapi Roh sendiri berdoa untuk kita kepada Allah dengan keluhan-keluhan yang tidak te...

What if?

What if I'm born in a family that doesn't know my Lord Jesus Christ? What if nobody keen to share the Good News? What if nobody write down the text for us to read? What if He doesn't reveal Himself to men? I was thinking about the book, "Revolution in World Missions" by K.P Yohannan. The cover shows a tarmac road and continued by a small trail. It was like moving from our comfort zone to where we will feel pain, rejection and hardship. As I wonder about what I need to write, this passage come to me, Romans 10: 14- 17 (Rom 10:14) How, then, can people call on someone they have not believed? And how can they believe in someone they have not heard about? And how can they hear without someone preaching? (Rom 10:15) And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!" (Rom 10:16) But not everyone has obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah asks, "Lord, who has believed o...

Working in Kuching Festival

Kuching Festival is an annual event in Kuching, usually held starting from 31st of July to 21st of August. My holiday is quite long this time, it's from June to September whereas the normal semester break is from June to mid of July, so I decided to do part time in Kuching Festival. Working for the drinks stall is really tiring for the 1st time, you are required to carry a tray with 24 cups of drinks and walk around to sell it. (There are also 16 cups & 12 cups tray). Sometimes, I help selling drinks in the stall and not carrying drinks to the customer, well, let me briefly tell you: Outside: Shouting drinks' name (Sugar cane, Blackcurrant, Chrysanthemum, Green Tea and etc.), carrying tray with drinks and walk around(refill after finish and go out again), Inside: Prepare drinks, look for drinks (Canned & Bottle) in the midst of ice cubes or refrigerator, get ice cubes and fill it in the big container or pumping machine and  get stocks from stores. Thank Go...