A Wedding Day

It's Tuesday, 30th August 2011. I witnessed a marriage in St Thomas Cathedral Kuching.
That morning, I make a joke singing 25 minutes by MLTR near the door, when I see the bridegroom and the bride coming via their car. LOL. I guess that's some sort of "wedding song" for my younger years which I memorized, but I can't really remember the lyric nowadays. Haha.

 Here's Blokken, Chipper, Andy & Me.
1. Marriage is not an easy decision. A relationship may starts with a nice introduction in the beginning, but it's a serious matter to upgrade it to the next level - the marriage.
 Here's Julai joined in.
2. After sometimes, you realized that, in the relationship, something had changed but something's still there. Then you start to wonder, should I get married? or I should not. Maybe there's someone else out there for me.
 3. In the predicament, you began to search around for the answer, you look around for clues, sit to reflect and even call others for advice. No matter how much you gain advice, the decision is yours. That's your story.
 4. After that, you may think, this is the right choice for me, you prayed for it and do it. You are married! Yeah, it's a big event. Full of commitment and responsibility, sharing, caring and loving. Thumbs up for the courage to make this decision.
5. Marriage is not the ending of a relationship, it's a new era of it. You may wonder, think and reflect about it. Then you'll realize marriage is not easy, but it's not hard either because, 2 hearts became 1 to deal with it. ;-)
  Congratulations to Brian and Nurshiela for their wonderful wedding day! Praise God for it. 


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