Requiescat in Pace 2011

You must be wondering, what does “Requiescat in Pace” means? Well, it’s “Rest in Peace” in Latin.

Why requiescat in pace 2011? As we enter 2012, all of our joy and sorrow in 2011 will rest in peace in our memory, the stories of 2011 will remain here and as we enter 2012, we reflected back at all of them and move forward.

Moving forward encompasses of few elements:
1. Aim - The direction of your path
2. Courage – The strength to start the journey
3. Perseverance – The strength to finish the race

Have you decide what you are going to do in this coming New Year? Have you set your aim? Do you have the courage to move on and the perseverance to finish what you are doing?

When we are busy thinking of moving forward, we often forget that we might change as the years go by- physiologically, psychologically, sociologically and spiritually. Through these changes we experience tears and joy along the way.  

Hebrew 13:8 (NIV), Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

The Lord will stand from age to age, from the beginning until the end. He will always be there for us in all circumstances. Our God is indeed an awesome God!

Although there might be changes in us in 2012, remember that He will be the same. Moving forward with Him, you will not be disappointed.

Requiescat in Pace 2011, Have a Blessed 2012. 


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