
Showing posts from 2011

Requiescat in Pace 2011

You must be wondering, what does “Requiescat in Pace” means? Well, it’s “Rest in Peace” in Latin. Why requiescat in pace 2011? As we enter 2012, all of our joy and sorrow in 2011 will rest in peace in our memory, the stories of 2011 will remain here and as we enter 2012, we reflected back at all of them and move forward. Moving forward encompasses of few elements: 1. Aim - The direction of your path 2. Courage – The strength to start the journey 3. Perseverance – The strength to finish the race Have you decide what you are going to do in this coming New Year? Have you set your aim? Do you have the courage to move on and the perseverance to finish what you are doing? When we are busy thinking of moving forward, we often forget that we might change as the years go by- physiologically, psychologically, sociologically and spiritually. Through these changes we experience tears and joy along the way.   Hebrew 13:8 (NIV), Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and ...

Smartphone – Problems for some people

Amazingly, smartphones productions and sales are skyrocketing high in recent years. What I mean here is the touch-screen-smartphones (TSS). Majority of my friends are using TSS, some of them even have 2 smartphones with different numbers. Few brands are popular in the market: Apple, Samsung, Blackberry and Nokia. I chose Acer beTouch 140.  If previously you have heard about great things about TSS, let me share about some problems with smartphones. Sweaty hands: You’ll find difficulty with TSS if you have sweaty hands. Sometimes, the screen is not sensitive to your touch, so you need to wipe your fingers and the screen frequently. Moreover, the sweat will make the screen dirty. When it comes to games that require fast tapping (Tap the Frog and so on), you may find difficulty to excel in this type of game as your sweaty hands may sometimes disturb the reactivity of the screen to your touch. Typing messages:         ...

Tips for meeting the parents

Tips for meeting other people with different gender's parents: (From what the author observed in Sarawak) 1. Smile and greet (A simple "Hi" or "Hello" will do) 2. Introduce yourself (This is commonly being initiated by the parents, well, your name will be the last, your background shall come first) 3. If step 2 is delayed, start a conversation with a topic from the environment (Building, Job, Study, and so on) 4. Prepare for tricky and deeper question (Where did you guys met? How long have you guys been together? What is your name and so on, well, this is uncommon, psych!) 5. Follow the flow of conversation, chip in when necessary, never try to dominate the conversation (unless you are hot and no longer a newbie), listen and keep quiet. 6. Smile during the farewell, head nodding and hand waving will do. 7. This is when step 4 be in action. Usually about 1-2 hours after the meeting it will most probably happen, but sometimes it took about 24 hour...

Tawanan Perang

Akibat ketidaktaatan dan tidak menjaga kekudusan, hamba itu seperti seorang tawanan yang dipermalukan dan dipermainkan oleh musuh-musuhnya. Hamba itu merasakan apa itu kematian, alangkah dahsyatnya perkara itu. Hamba itu ingin menjerit namun suaranya hilang, dia mahu melawan namun dia lemah dan tidak berdaya, pada hari itu, kemegahannya dan keagungannya dipersendakan. Musuhnya berkata, "Dimanakah kehebatanmu? Angkatlah pedangmu dan lawanlah aku!" Di dalam kekalahannya, hamba itu teringat akan kegemilangannya lalu dia berseru kepada Dia yang Maha Tinggi, "Ini aku, aku milik-Mu, aku telah bersalah terhadap-Mu, ampunilah aku dan bawalah aku mendekati-Mu Bapa!" Saat dia berseru, dia mendapat kekuatan dan keyakinan baru, dia seperti burung rajawali yang melebarkan sayapnya dan mulai melayang tinggi, musuh-musuhnya hairan kerana hamba yang lemah itu mulai mendapat kembali kekuatannya dan siap sedia untuk bertarung. Dia menewaskan musuh-musuhnya dengan kekuatan daripad...

Prinsip Tuhan dan Prinsip Dunia

Shalom, pernahkah anda terfikir dan perasan bahawa prinsip Tuhan sangat berbeza dengan prinsip dunia? Contohnya, 1. Prinsip dunia: Apabila kita memberi, kita kehilangan. Apabila kita menerima, kita mendapatnya. Prinsip Tuhan: Lukas 6:38, Apa yang kamu berikan kepada orang lain, Allah juga akan memberikannya kepada kamu. Allah akan mencurahi kamu pemberian yang berlimpah-limpah. Sukatan yang kamu gunakan untuk orang lain akan digunakan oleh Allah untuk kamu. --- Berilah dan terimalah berkat. 2. Prinsip dunia: Kasihi sesiapa yang mengasihi kita, benci mereka yang membenci kita. Prinsip Tuhan: Lukas 6:27-28, "Tetapi Aku berkata kepada kamu yang mendengarkan Aku: Kasihilah musuh kamu dan berbuatlah baik kepada mereka yang membenci kamu. Berkatilah mereka yang mengutuk kamu, dan berdoalah untuk mereka yang menganiaya kamu. ---Kasihilah sesama manusia seperti kamu mengasihi dirimu sendiri. 3. Prinsip dunia: Sayangilah nyawamu, maka kamu akan menyelamatkannya...

Carolling about what?

Halleluiah! House of Fellowship lately had been preparing for carolling. It’s a blessing to be part of carolling; prayers, vocal training, musical training, and so on, it’s wonderful. What is carolling all about? Basically carolling is about going to others and share the good news that Christ was born. Carolling to houses usually will begin with prayers, and then with bible reading and Christmas songs or some might prefer to call it Christmas carols. As it gets nearer to Christmas, many songs will come out to the air, for example: “Hark the herald angels sing.” , “O come all ye faithful”, “We three kings”, “Santa Claus is coming to town”, “Rudolph the red nose reindeer” and many more. For me, all of the songs are nice and very catchy for many, but I would like to ask a question,  “What is our message?” Nowadays, there are a lot of add-on characters for Christmas, sadly, the main character; Jesus Christ is often omitted from the celebration. Well, let us focus on th...

House of Fellowship’s Singai Camp 2011

Mount Singai is a wonderful place for devotion, I never dream of having a camp here with my cell group members.   Our cell group had a camp on Mount Singai on the 30 th of September to 2 nd October 2011, the theme is “We are chosen”. The cell group today is known as House of Fellowship, we started it in year 2009 with members of 9. When I first come to UNIMAS, I wish I could participate in the Christian Fellowship here in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. I was approached by senior that brings us to join local church, it was exciting for me, and I let the Lord lead my way. Then, I think about other students that are not from the same denominations, who would care for them? We don’t have student’s Christian fellowship here for us to support each other. As time goes by, I continue to pray that the Lord will make a way to bring revival to this place. I found few friends that have the same desire, to gather and to fellowship with each other. Praise God, we have plac...

Amazing Food

Food is crucial for life.  During Adam’s time, Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit. (Food) During Jacob’s time, Esau sold his birthright for some red stew. (Food) During Moses’ time, the Israelites were fed with manna and qual. (Food) During David’s time, he sent roasted grain, loaves of bread and cheeses to army camp just before he defeated Goliath. (Food) Even in Matthew 4:3, Jesus was tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread. (Food) There are miracles performed by Jesus Christ that can feed 5000 peoples and also 4000 peoples. (Food) I love to cook, and I’m happy when I see people are enjoying the food. Out in the streets, there are some people that have nothing to eat, giving them something will make them happy and gives you joy too. Above all, the most important food of all is as mentioned below: John 5: 35, Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” And we can relate Jesus...

Kunyu Mulung, "Kunyu The Innocent"

Tersebutlah kisah seorang petani yang berjaya, beliau memiliki sebuah ladang di pinggir Negara Empiau. Isteri petani sudah lama meninggal. Petani memiliki 3 orang anak lelaki, yang sulung Chippere Adman, anak yang kedua, Julheye Billye dan yang bongsu, Erbi Gerbsome. Ketiga-tiga anaknya tekun bekerja bersama si petani, mereka memiliki sifat dan perwatakan yang agak berbeza. Anak yang sulung arif dalam hal bercucuk tanam dan bertukang, anak yang kedua petah berkata-kata dan kuat, anak yang bongsu merupakan seorang yang panjang akal dan suka kepada haiwan. Pada suatu masa, ketika si petani sudah amat tua, dia berhasrat untuk meninggalkan harta pusaka kepada 3 orang anak lelakinya. Kepada Chippere Adman, dia tinggalkan ladangnya beserta pekerja-pekerjanya, kepada Julheye Billye, dia tinggalkan gudang-gudang hasil pertaniannya dan kepada anaknya yang bongsu, Erbi Gerbsome, dia tinggalkan seekor keldai dan kucing rumah mereka yang bernama Kunyu. Anak-anaknya gembira dengan pemberian si p...


Hi, What is UNIFRUIT? It was started in year 2008. There are 7 of us, all of us got a fruit nickname. My UNIFRUIT nickname is Starfruit, in addition, Starfruit is one of the fruit that I can't really put into my mouth, it taste weird for me, so why did I choose this name? That's the puzzle. The Nicknames: Calvin & Vee Chien --> Banana 1 & Banana 2 Joannes --> Rambutan Valerie --> Durian Rebecca --> Mangosteen Priscilla --> Langsat Okay, very brief one. The day out is on Friday, Banana 1 & 2 can't make it during that time since they are not yet coming back to Kuching.  We go out for drinks, window shopping, and finally end up at Val's house chit-chatting while one of her cousin watch Ben 10. That's the 1st time I see the real Ben 10 show in my life. LOL.                                           That's The Langsat.       ...

There's a way to do the registration (UNIMAS)

After the long holiday, we are going back to school life again. It’s going to be my final year in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). Today is the day for semester registration; I’m a bit excited because previously I always get a fine for late registration. I try to load the registration page in the morning, but it’s too slow and unable to proceed, this problem is normal for me and I already get use to it. I’ve decided to write something, so that the readers can do the registration even though the page is unable to load. Before that, I want to share how I managed to register my semester. It was back to few hours ago when I sit in front of my laptop waiting for an unending loading of page, 1. When you go to the  and then to e-pelajar, it failed to load. 2. When you go to and then to e-pelajar, it also failed. So how to register? No idea. but after that I figured out there’s a way in the PDF file they showed in the announcement....

Saturday Morning

How can I flee from the sleepiness? When the warmth and the coolness are at their peace? Sure I'll win the fight if I strengthen my flesh And walk through that door - The chance How can I wake up others? When rest and sleep are what they need? No, there's nothing that can I do When the decision only waits for them I will open the door, and keep it still After I walked into the victory And I hope that, the cats, the noises, the foot steps sounds Will wake them up to see the day Full of mercy and hope 

A Wedding Day

It's Tuesday, 30th August 2011. I witnessed a marriage in St Thomas Cathedral Kuching. That morning, I make a joke singing 25 minutes by MLTR near the door, when I see the bridegroom and the bride coming via their car. LOL. I guess that's some sort of "wedding song" for my younger years which I memorized, but I can't really remember the lyric nowadays. Haha.  Here's Blokken, Chipper, Andy & Me. 1. Marriage is not an easy decision. A relationship may starts with a nice introduction in the beginning, but it's a serious matter to upgrade it to the next level - the marriage.  Here's Julai joined in. 2. After sometimes, you realized that, in the relationship, something had changed but something's still there. Then you start to wonder, should I get married? or I should not. Maybe there's someone else out there for me.  3. In the predicament, you began to search around for the answer, you look around for clues, sit to reflect and even call ...

Berpatah Balik

Petang itu, Toby dan rakan-rakannya bercadang untuk ke pantai untuk menikmati suasana pantai pada waktu malam. Mereka bertolak kira-kira pada pukul 7 petang selepas makan malam. Cuaca yang cerah memberi mereka harapan dan semangat untuk menuju ke destinasi mereka. Mereka berborak dan bergurau senda sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke Pantai Damai, perjalanan ini mengambil masa kira-kira 40 minit dengan menaiki kereta. Ketika mereka hampir tiba, hujan mulai turun dengan lebatnya sehingga menyukarkan perjalanan. Mereka tidak berputus asa dan terus menuju ke destinasi, apabila sampai disana, mereka ternampak tanda, "Tidak dibenarkan meletakkan kenderaan disini." . Namun begitu, terdapat tempat letak kereta yang terletak 15 meter dari tempat teduh itu, tetapi kerana mereka tidak membawa payung, segala rancangan mereka dibatalkan begitu sahaja. Mereka cuba memahami bahawa mungkin itu petanda untuk tidak ke pantai pada ketika itu. Tanpa ragu-ragu, mereka terus berpatah balik ke temp...


Shalom, Berdoa merupakan suatu elemen penting didalam kehidupan sebagai seorang Kristian. Ramai mengatakan ia merupakan nafas bagi kehidupan kita. Ya, amen, saya setuju. Ada segelintir yang berdoa bersungguh-sungguh, dan ada yang pernah berdoa bersungguh-sungguh dan ketika doa sudah dijawab maka sepertinya bahan doa sudah tiada lagi. Pagi ini, saat saya merenungkan kasih-Nya, Dia memberikan saya suatu inspirasi, doa bukanlah sekadar kata-kata biasa yang diucapkan ketika ingin makan atau tidur. Saya sedar, doa merupakan suatu komunikasi intim dengan Bapa yang yang di syurga dengan pimpinan Roh Kudus-Nya. Saat kita hilang visi doa dan tidak tahu apa yang ingin didoakan, Roh Kudus memimpin kita dan membawa kita untuk melihat apa yang kita perlu doakan tanpa kita sedari. "Rom 8:26  Demikian juga Roh membantu kita dalam kelemahan kita; sebab kita tidak tahu, bagaimana sebenarnya harus berdoa; tetapi Roh sendiri berdoa untuk kita kepada Allah dengan keluhan-keluhan yang tidak te...

What if?

What if I'm born in a family that doesn't know my Lord Jesus Christ? What if nobody keen to share the Good News? What if nobody write down the text for us to read? What if He doesn't reveal Himself to men? I was thinking about the book, "Revolution in World Missions" by K.P Yohannan. The cover shows a tarmac road and continued by a small trail. It was like moving from our comfort zone to where we will feel pain, rejection and hardship. As I wonder about what I need to write, this passage come to me, Romans 10: 14- 17 (Rom 10:14) How, then, can people call on someone they have not believed? And how can they believe in someone they have not heard about? And how can they hear without someone preaching? (Rom 10:15) And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!" (Rom 10:16) But not everyone has obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah asks, "Lord, who has believed o...

Working in Kuching Festival

Kuching Festival is an annual event in Kuching, usually held starting from 31st of July to 21st of August. My holiday is quite long this time, it's from June to September whereas the normal semester break is from June to mid of July, so I decided to do part time in Kuching Festival. Working for the drinks stall is really tiring for the 1st time, you are required to carry a tray with 24 cups of drinks and walk around to sell it. (There are also 16 cups & 12 cups tray). Sometimes, I help selling drinks in the stall and not carrying drinks to the customer, well, let me briefly tell you: Outside: Shouting drinks' name (Sugar cane, Blackcurrant, Chrysanthemum, Green Tea and etc.), carrying tray with drinks and walk around(refill after finish and go out again), Inside: Prepare drinks, look for drinks (Canned & Bottle) in the midst of ice cubes or refrigerator, get ice cubes and fill it in the big container or pumping machine and  get stocks from stores. Thank Go...


Everyday we wake up and continue with our daily routine. We eat, sleep, have some funs with friends and so on. Sometimes, we are so tired to talk and spend time with God. Today, I got this feeling, I want to be with Him even deeper. Come, spend more time with God and listen to Him. God loves you!

Ketidakfahaman menghasilkan ketidakmesraan

Seorang pelajar tingkatan 4 di salah sebuah sekolah aliran sains berkata, “Saya benci Matematik Tambahan, saya langsung tak faham apa yang cikgu tu ajar.” Pelajar tersebut tidak mesra dengan Matematik Tambahan kerana dia tidak memahaminya, mungkin dia telah bersusah-payah untuk belajar namun dia tetap gagal untuk memahami. Ketidakfahaman menghasilkan suatu perasaan yang tidak senang apabila kita menghadapi perkara tersebut. Kadangkala kita mula memilih untuk tidak mesra dengan Tuhan kerana kita tidak memahami Dia, kadangkala untuk mengakui dihadapan-Nya, “Bapa, aku tidak faham akan hal ini, berikan aku pengertian.” (Yakobus 1:5) merupakan suatu tindakan bijak yang membawa kita lebih utuh dalam iman. Pengertian Tuhan itu terlampau mendalam untuk difahami (Yesaya 55:9), namun apabila kita merendahkan diri dan datang kepada Dia, Dia akan menyatakan perkara yang mendalam itu dan membuatkan kita faham. (Yeremia 33:3) Mesra atau tidak itu bergantung kepada sejauh mana kita saling...

The Ant and The Grasshopper

One day, a teacher tells this story to his class, “Once upon a time there is an ant live in a beautiful forest. The ant is a very hardworking; it works so hard to find foods. Winter is coming soon and ant worked extra hard to gather the food stocks for the coming season. Not far from ant’s nest, there live a grasshopper, it plays and really enjoys its life, grasshopper doesn’t really bother to work and gather food stock for the coming winter. Ant is a caring neighbour, it always drop by and ask grasshopper to join it in gathering food, but grasshopper always gives many excuses and refuse to join ant, it enjoys its life and always tease ant for working so hard to find food. “It’s still long way to go ant, why don’t you sit with me and enjoy life?” the grasshopper offer the ant to join it. “Winter is very near, if I don’t work extra hard now, the food will not be enough for me to survive during the season.” Ant replies. “Ha ha, okay then, it’s up to you.” The grasshopper conti...

Apa yang Yesus buat ketika dicobai? Bahagian 2

Shalom, bahagian 2 akan menceritakan 2 lagi peristiwa Yesus Kristus dicobai di padang gurun. Dalam bahagian yang ke-2, penulis akan berkongsi tentang saat Yesus diletakkan di puncak Rumah Tuhan dan ketika iblis menunjukkan kepada Yesus segala semua kerajaan di dunia serta segala kekayaannya kepada Dia. Pencobaan yang ke-2 ini menunjukkan iblis juga arif tentang alkitab dan dia tahu apa yang tertulis disana seperti saat dia berkata kepada Yesus dalam Matthew 4: 6, “Iblis berkata kepada Yesus, “Jika Engkau Anak Allah, terjunlah ke bawah, kerana di dalam alkitab tertulis, ‘ Allah akan menyuruh malaikat-malaikat-Nya menjaga Engkau; malaikat akan menyambut Engkau dengan tangan, supaya kaki-Mu tidak terhantuk pada batu.” (Alkitab BM, Berita Baik) Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa mampu menyembuhkan, menyelamatkan umat-Nya bahkan dapat membangkitkan orang yang telah mati. Maka apa yang Yesus takuti untuk terjun ke bawah? Namun dalam petikan ini jelas menunjukkan apa yang kita patut lakukan, Matthe...

Apa yang Yesus Kristus buat ketika dicobai? Bahagian 1

Shalom, Renungan kali ini saya ingin membawa saudara sekalian kepada saat Yesus menghadapi pencobaan/godaan di padang gurun (Matthew 4: 1-11). Ada 3 bahagian yang saya lihat dalam petikan ini dan pada saya ini membantu kita agar lebih teguh dalam iman kita. Bahagian pertama untuk pencobaan/ godaan iblis dalam petikan ini, ialah ketika Yesus lapar selepas 40 hari dan malam berpuasa, ketika ini iblis datang dan menyuruh Yesus menukar batu menjadi roti untuk mengenyangkan-Nya dan untuk menguji samaada Dia Anak Allah, disini dilihat ada satu persoalan yang iblis ajukan “jika Engkau Anak Allah.” Tetapi Yesus menjawab dalam Matthew 4:4, “Ada tertulis: Manusia hidup bukan dari roti saja, tetapi dari setiap firman yang keluar dari mulut Allah." (Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Terjemahan Baru) Erti kata inilah yang menarik perhatian saya, “setiap kata yang keluar dari mulut Allah”, seringkali kita fahamkan ini sebagai “Bacalah firman Tuhan, bacalah bible, bacalah alkitab kamu”. Sa...